Safety Signs In The WorkPlace

In Australia over the last 20 years, Safety has become a huge driver in Materials Handling.  So it is a very obvious thing when you go to a business and see Safety Signs throughout a workplace

Safety signs are generally used as an aid to:

•> Communicate information on hazards
•> Communicate the need for personal protective equipment (where other control strategies are inadequate or impracticable)
•> Communicate the location of safety equipment / emergency facilities (eye wash stations, first aid kit)
•> Give guidance and instruction in an emergency.

There are two main types of safety signs for the occupational environment. These are:

  1. Picture signs which utilize text and symbols to represent the hazard, equipment or process as well as the standard colors and shapes used to convey a message eg. Personal Protective Equipment signs
  2. Signs with text only messages which are supplemented by the use of standard colors and shapes eg. Fire Exit signs

Wherever possible, picture signs (pictograms) should be used.  Due to a large multi cultural workforce, it is easier to identify pictures

Stop and Prohibition signs

Safety Signs






Circle: white background with red borders and cross bar; black symbol

Caution (warning) signs

Caution signs





Triangle: yellow background with black border; black symbol

Emergency information signs

emergency signs






Rectangle: green background; white symbol

Mandatory signs

mandatory signs






Circle: blue background; white

As a workplace develops its material handling requirements you will find more and more safety signs going up around the workplace.

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By John

John Condron, has had a very long varied career in heavy equipment industry. Including a 10 year stint in the USA materials handling markets. John now make a full time writing for several online publications.