In Australia over the last 20 years, Safety has become a huge driver in Materials Handling. So it is a very obvious thing when you go to a business and see Safety Signs throughout a workplace
Safety signs are generally used as an aid to:
•> Communicate information on hazards
•> Communicate the need for personal protective equipment (where other control strategies are inadequate or impracticable)
•> Communicate the location of safety equipment / emergency facilities (eye wash stations, first aid kit)
•> Give guidance and instruction in an emergency.
There are two main types of safety signs for the occupational environment. These are:
- Picture signs which utilize text and symbols to represent the hazard, equipment or process as well as the standard colors and shapes used to convey a message eg. Personal Protective Equipment signs
- Signs with text only messages which are supplemented by the use of standard colors and shapes eg. Fire Exit signs
Wherever possible, picture signs (pictograms) should be used. Due to a large multi cultural workforce, it is easier to identify pictures
Stop and Prohibition signs
Circle: white background with red borders and cross bar; black symbol
Caution (warning) signs
Triangle: yellow background with black border; black symbol
Emergency information signs
Rectangle: green background; white symbol
Mandatory signs
Circle: blue background; white
As a workplace develops its material handling requirements you will find more and more safety signs going up around the workplace.