Flameproofing forklifts, is actually a very common requirement in the necessary environment. Flameproofing of material handling equipment is the science of reducing the risk of an explosion or fire by means of specialized principles and technologies.
The risk occurs wherever a flammable or combustible material is handled. This is not only confined to the mining but also petrochemical, oil platforms, paint, grain handling and food industry to name a few.
It is essential that all equipment used in these areas comply with the appropriate government rules and relevant standards. If you are looking for information or and guidance on area classification, it can be obtained from the Australian Institute of Dangerous Goods Consultants (AIDGC).
When inquiring about or ordering a flameproof forklift from a dealer it is important to specify the area classification, and the type of hazard and its temperature class.
The general phases of the flameproofing conversion are analysis and design, manufacture, installation, duty cycle testing and specialized after sales service. Certification testing, when required, is conducted by one of Australia’s three internationally accredited testing facilities.
Forklift trucks, tow tractors, sweepers, scissor lifts and boom lifts ranging from 1 ton to 32 ton have all been flameproofed. Both diesel and battery electric powered materials handling equipment can be flameproofed.
Something to remember when you are looking for Flameproofing, LPG and Petrol vehicles are not permitted in any hazardous areas.
Flameproofed Materials handling equipment are designed and manufactured in such a way as to remove or reduce the risk of the equipment becoming the source of ignition.
Sources of ignition include flames and sparks from exhaust systems, arc and sparks from electrical equipment, hot surfaces and static build up.
Modifications are required to the basic equipment to ensure it complies with the relevant requirements for the specified hazardous zone that it will be operating in.
If you are still unsure if the area has been correctly classified in accordance with AS2430 series, you can ask a third party to perform an audit on your hazardous area mobile equipment is not only a good idea but a must to ensure correct and safe operation.